About the curriculum, i study biochemistry and i think that we have so much mathematics subjects, introduction to calculation, calculation, statistics, among others, and well it could be useful in our career, but i do not think that mechanic it could be useful. (Talking about the subjects that i already know).
The Workload it is too much, but well, we are in the university. And about the length of studies it is 11 semesters, I would like it to be shorter, but if they reduced the duration of the career, we would have more academic burden. We have a laboratory for our practical classes, i think there is what we need. We do not use so much technology, i do not know if later we will use or not.
And about the teaching methods i would like to we have greater organization among the professors of different sections and more equitable classes for the different groups, and greater preparation for the tests. Also some teachers teach the subject very fast and I do not understand it at all, it could be useful to have classes of exercise only, so we could ask the things that we do not understand in the moment and learn doing the things and not only with theory.